Safe and Secure Worksheets

Safe and Secure book cover

What is a personal future plan?

A Personal Future Plan is a written summary of your plans for the social and financial well-being of your family member with a disability.

We have learned that the most effective question when making a Personal Future Plan is: What is a good life? Families tell us that a good life for their relative should include the following elements:

  • caring and loving relationships
  • a place of one’s own
  • choice
  • contribution
  • financial


The following Worksheets will assist you with answering this question for your family’s unique circumstances.

The worksheets are from the book Safe and Secure: Seven Steps on the Path to a Good Life for People with Disabilities
By Al Etmanski, with Jack Collins and Vickie Cammack. Click this link to learn more about the book or to download it for free.

Safe and Secure Worksheets

Click the following links to view each worksheet.