
Empowering Ability Podcast on Personal Support Network Facilitation

Rebecca Pauls, Director of our sister organization, Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN), was recently on the Empowering Ability podcast, informing listeners about the importance of building Personal Support Networks! You might have heard of […]

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Accessibility grants help break down barriers to inclusion

A press release from Social Development and Poverty Reduction – the release was timed in observance of the United Nations’ International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2018. See original posting here. Sixteen […]

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International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Today, December 3rd 2018, marks the 27th annual United Nations International Day of Personals with Disabilities (IDPD) – a day marked to acknowledge and empower those living with disabilities and […]

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Investment in workplace technology helps people with disabilities

A press release from Social Development and Poverty Reduction View original post here.   A new WorkBC contract that equips people with adaptive technology will open up employment opportunities for people […]

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Indigenous Disability Awareness Month

Guest Post written by our friends at British Columbia Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS) In November 2015, Indigenous Disability Awareness Month (IDAM) was first recognized and officially proclaimed by […]

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People With Disabilities Should Be Leaders In Implementing Accessibility

By Al Etmanski The recently proposed Accessible Canada Act and the just released Senate report on essential fixes for Revenue Canada concerning the disability tax credit, Breaking Down Barriers, are stellar achievements for […]

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A Big Step Towards Inclusive Communities: The Accessible Canada Act

Standing with our allies in the Family Movement, Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN) and Plan Institute are encouraged by the recent introduction of Bill C-81, the Accessible Canada Act – Canada’s […]

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Filling the Caregivers Cup         

By Cathy Anthony Is your cup half full or half empty? I think most of us are familiar with the saying “Is your cup half full or half empty?”.  This typically relates […]

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Canada’s taxman shouldn’t decide who has a disability

By Al Etmanski Canada’s Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) is the first poverty-fighting tool for people with disabilities in the world. This remarkable example of federal/provincial/territorial co-operation, created in 2008, […]

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Lend your voice to the DTC form physician questionnaire

A student group from Simon Fraser University’s Semester in Dialogue is conducting a survey on the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) form directed at physicians. The purpose of the survey is […]

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