
Our Impact in Numbers

For 20 years, Plan Institute has been working to help people living with disabilities and their families live a good life both now and into the future…we’re pretty proud of […]

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British Columbia’s ‘Make a Will Week’

The Provincial Government has named April 7-13 ‘Make a Will Week’, in an effort to show British Columbians that it is, “easier than you think to provide for the people […]

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The Women of Plan Institute

Throughout the month of March, people from around the world come together to celebrate many important days – World Wildlife Day, World Down Syndrome Day, The First Day of Spring, […]

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TogetherBC – British Columbia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy

“British Columbia’s first poverty reduction strategy, TogetherBC, outlines programs and initiatives that will help reduce overall poverty in the province by 25%, and cut child poverty in half, over the […]

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Supreme Court of Canada considers Henson Trusts in S.A. v. Metro Vancouver Housing Corp.

Canada’s top court reviews the concept of Henson Trusts for the first time in a case involving a B.C. woman with disabilities. By: Ken M. Kramer, Q.C. and Audrey Jun, […]

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Spring 2019 Workshops

At Plan Institute, we’re always excited for new opportunities to share our information and resources to help people with disabilities and their families live their best lives. Here’s a snapshot […]

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Tell us your story!

As part of our 20th Anniversary celebrations, we’re looking to hear from people whom we’ve had the benefit of serving over the past 20 years. Whether you’ve volunteered with Plan […]

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Zero Project 2019

“Our mission is working for a world with zero barriers. Worldwide, the Zero Project finds and shares models that improve the daily lives and legal rights of all persons with […]

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Help us Celebrate Plan Institute’s 20th Anniversary!

This year marks Plan Institute’s 20th year of working to improve the lives of people with disabilities and their families. We are excited and grateful to have been able to […]

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Happy Holidays from Plan Institute

From all of us here at Plan Institute – we want to wish you a safe and happy holiday season! We sincerely appreciate everyone who supports our mission, shares our […]

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