The following is information on how to open your eBook. If you are having trouble, please email [email protected] or call 604-439-9566.
EPUB files
iPhone, iPad
Download and open with iBooks. This is a free app available for download from the App Store.
Android Devices
Download and open with Google Play Books. This is a free app available for download from the App Store.
The EPUB must first be downloaded from the app store as the device won’t automatically open an EPUB file.
Click here for more information on how to open your EPUB file on your android device.
There are also more app options to open an EPUB file on your android device.
We recommend the Readium browser extension for Google Chrome.
You can also download and open EPUB ciles with the EPUBReader a browser extension for Firefox.
EPUB files can be opened with a number of free programs on a PC, including:
Amazon Kindle
Click here to find out how to send an EPUB file to your Amazon Kindle.
PDF files
You can open PDFs on any device. Your device will automatically find the best program to open a PDF.
We also recommend downloading Adobe Acrobat for opening PDF files.
Click here to find out how to send an PDF file to your Amazon Kindle.
MOBI files
Amazon Kindle
MOBI files work with some versions of the Amazon Kindle, but support for this file type is being phased out by Amazon.
You can also download the Kindle app for iPad, iPhone, or Android devices.