Archive from disability

Changes to Disability Tax Credit eligibility requirements

On June 23, 2022, the CRA announced changes to the eligibility requirements for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) making it easier for more people to apply. The areas of expansion […]

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Access RDSP receives continued funding

We are thrilled to announce that the Access RDSP partnership between BC Aboriginal Network on Disability Society (BCANDS), Disability Alliance BC (DABC) and Plan Institute has received another three years of funding from the […]

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We have to talk to anybody and everybody to get the Canada Disability Benefit

By Rabia Khedr It’s important that we have conversations about disability poverty everywhere we can. I spend a lot of time talking to people. From individuals living the experience to […]

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CRA Webinar Invites for March 2022

  Upcoming Live Webinars from Canada Revenue Agency *Please note that they will be changing their virtual platform from WebEx to MS Teams effective March 21, 2022. There is no […]

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Tax Tips & Resources for People with Disabilities

Information provided by Plan Institute and Disability Alliance BC The process of filing a tax return every year can seem confusing, time-consuming, and technical. However, the reality is that filing […]

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CRA webinars for caregivers and people with disabilities

Canada Revenue Agency is offering the following live webinars in January and February: Persons with Disabilities Presentation on Wed Jan 26, 2022 from 1:30-2:30pm PST, Thurs Feb 10, 2022 from […]

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What Positive Financial Steps Can I Take During the Covid-19 Uncertainty?    

By Alison Izat With the Covid-19 Pandemic upon us, we’re all experiencing a sudden change to our work and home lives and an increasing level of uncertainty as to what […]

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Everyone Should Be Talking About Disability Poverty

by Michelle Hewitt, Co-Chair, Disability Without Poverty This month, everyone is talking about the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) – and so they should! Since its creation in 2008, the […]

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Celebrating Art in the Disability community

We want your creative talents! December 3 is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and Disability Without Poverty (DWP) wants to celebrate the contributions and creativity of persons with disabilities! We’re putting […]

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What are personal networks of support?

Friendships and connections are critical to our well-being. Most of us have informal social support networks – people we count on and confide in; people who help us out: relatives, […]

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